Whether you're brand new to this game we call wellness and you're in need of some guidance, or, you've been burned by the conventional medical system, never fear.
Here's a list of practitioners DOING IT RIGHT.
Happy healing! : )
DR. JESS PEATROSS (root cause MD)
IG @dr.jess.md
EMILY MORROW (root cause FNTP, energy testing & bloodwork queen)
IG @emilymorrow
DR. JOSEPH ARENA (root cause D.C)
Dr. JABAN MOORE (root cause D.C, detox doc)
DR. STEPH YOUNG (root cause D.C., detox doc)
DR. CHRISTIAN GONZALEZ (Environmental medicine, Integrative Oncology)
DR. ZACH BUSH (root cause MD)
IG @zachbush
DR. ANGIE SADEGHI (MD Gastroenterologist)
DR. WILL BULSIEWICZ (MD Gastroenterologist)
DR. ELENA IVANINA (MD Gastroenterologist, microbiome healing)
IG @gut_ love
DR. THOMAS LODI (Integrative Oncology)
LARA BRIDEN (ND, women's health, hormone repair)
IG @larabriden